Decided to go really early to the farmer's market today to hopefully beat the heat (heat index of 109 here today!). AB and I met up with my friend Amy and her daughter Caitlyn down there and had a great morning. They let Arabella choose her birthday gift and of course my little diva chooses a new dress.
We got our Farm Boy Breakfast Burritos (it's like heaven in a tortilla) and I bought some yummy cherries (which I'm eating now as I type this). Amy decided to try a wheat grass lemonade... it tasted just like it sounds... like grass... freshly mowed grass. I'm all for healthy stuff, but I'm not drinking grass!
Amy and her wheat grass lemonade |
AB got to make a headband at the craft station and she shared some homemade ice cream with Caitlyn. All in all a great morning was had by all and we even succeeded in beating the heat!
Bella with her new headband |
Driving home, I noticed a lemonade stand about 1/3 of a mile from our house and thought, 'Oh that's so cute. I should take Arabella down there later and get some lemonade from those kids!' Well, I should've considered what the weather man said about staying inside during this nasty excessive heat advisory. We got about half way there and I wanted to turn around. It was so hot and humid it was like trying to walk through a steam room! We finally arrived at the lemonade stand and paid our quarters and sucked down the warm (I'm sure all the ice in the city has melted in this heat) lemonade. Then we began our seemingly long trek home. Poor Arabella got home and immediately took off her dress in hopes of cooling off... and you know it must be hot if AB is willing to part with a dress!
It was then that I decided that we would be staying inside for the remainder of the day. Thank God for air conditioning!
Will the farmer's market be open when we get back?! It sounds like a lot of fun!!! Missing you & b!